Wednesday 30 November 2011


"Why are they doing this do you think?"

"Why do you think? To get famous."

"Ah yes, of course," said Coleridge. "Fame."

'Fame', he thought, 'the holy grail of a secular age'. The cruel and demanding deity that had replaced God. The one thing. The only thing, it seemed to Coleridge, that mattered any more. The great obsession, the all-encompassing national focus which occupied 90 per cent of every newspaper and 100 per cent of every magazine. Not faith, but fame.

"Fame", he murmured once more. "I hope they enjoy it."

"They won't," Geraldine replied.

Ben Elton, Dead Famous.

I am currently researching the creation of 'celebrity' by tabloid newspapers for my dissertation. I am looking into the representation of 'celebrities' in the tabloid press, and the culture of 'celebrity', the idea that nobodies can become famous overnight, and fade into obscurity just as quickly.

Graeme Turner explains in his book 'Understanding Celebrity' that the modern celebrity may claim no special achievements other than the attraction of public attention. Andy Warhol famously stated in 1968 that "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." It seems like these days every where we look in the media a new large breasted blonde is blabbering on about shit all on the sofas of This Morning, or OK TV!, or the ever popular (sick-inducing, shameful portrayal of the female population) Loose Women. They just want to be FAMOUS at any cost.

But what is it that makes people strive for fame above, for example, professional success?

And when did we as readers become so wrapped up in the lives of the rich and famous? In the sleaze and scandal reporting of z-listers falling out of cabs/falling out of love/falling out with just about anyone else to make a name for themselves?

At one point, it is reported, the News of the World were offering a prize of £3,000 to anyone who could provide them with an account of 'adulterous sex with a well known personality'.
So my research continues. I want to find out why people would put themselves through exploitation and degradation by the British tabloid press, in the somewhat depressingly desperate attempt to clutch on to their 15 minutes, and why we, the British tax paying, reality TV watching (...guilty!), Peter Andre loving public, can't get enough of it.

Sunday 14 August 2011


your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look will easily unclose me

Sunday 13 February 2011

Audrey Hepburn

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."

Sunday 9 January 2011


Happy New Year Mutha-uckas.

Just finished working at NME. Majorly exciting to just be sat at a desk watching people to be honest but as a bonus I got lots of free CDs, was genuinly interested in researching for people and Lezo from newsround (come onnnnnn, you gotta love Lezo) popped in for an interview with editor Krissi Murison.

Heard the new stuff from Beady Eye (...yeeeeeah) aka Oasis minus Noel. Surprisingly it sounds...well like Oasis minus Noel. Still, big fan of The Roller, out in Feb.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Merry December

It was christmas day on Heathwood Road this afternoon. How I do love christmas. We didn't even burn a thing and we have left over roast potatoes. Hello mum, I'm turning into you.

On the downside we ended the evening watching High School Musical.
And I liked it :S

Saturday 27 November 2010

Beau means Beautiful

Vintage shop Beau in Winton is a favourite spot for most of Bournemouth Uni's female students because it sells beautiful unique pieces from the 20's to the 80's, and its pretty darn cheap too.
After one of the worst weeks of my life, and during an interview with the lovely owner Liz, I thought it would be harmless to have a quick look around.
Coming up to christmas the racks are full of lovely sparkly dresses and shoes, and the handbags make for a gorgeous christmas gift.
Unfortunately, the culmination of a week of hell and the freezing temperatures, meant I felt I HAD to purchase a new coat...
It just so happens that my new coat is the most amazing deep brown fur coat in the world and it will keep me so warm on the cold winter nights! And that my friends is what they call retail therapy.
I challenge you to feast your eyes on this lot and tell me you could resist...

Sunday 14 November 2010


These are a few of my favourite things.